Aerial Photography & Modeling using Drones

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DJI METRIC 200+ Base station Drone

The only drone exists that fly while its raining. resolution: 80MP, up to 100x zoom, licensed drone operator. the result: accurate aerial photos and a point cloud for every purpose

DJI METRIC 200+ Base station Drone

Land survey for Rights registration in the ILA

Land survey for Rights registration in the ILA

Aerial Photo and land survey for Tama 36 Permit

Aerial Photo and land survey for Tama 36 Permit

Aerial Photo and land survey for quantity calculations

Aerial Photo and land survey for quantity calculations

Aerial Photo and land survey for engineering plans

Aerial Photo and land survey for engineering plans

Surveying using drones and scanners

for reviewing construction deviations

Surveying using drones and scanners

Land surveys using Drone

Land surveys using Drone

Land mapping using Drone

Land mapping using Drone

Aertial Photography using Drone

Hotel in Tiberias

Aertial Photography using Drone

Aerial Photography and land survey using drones and scanners

for reviewing construction deviations

Aerial Photography and land survey using drones and scanners

3D Modeling using Drone

3D Model and scanning using Scanners & Drones, up to 1mm accuracy

3D Modeling using Drone

Land survey for quantity calculations

Land survey for quantity calculations

High resolution Aerial Photography

Aerial photos captured by drones and planes with 4K cameras for engineering purposes.

High resolution Aerial Photography

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